Lead Inspector
Serving in the entire Oregon as well as West of Washington

Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment

Lead Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment

Work with Our Experienced Team Servicing All of Oregon and Southwest Washington

Studies have shown that lead in our bodies causes harm in many ways. Children can have learning difficulties and behavioral problems as a result of lead exposure. Adults are also affected with kidney problems, blood disorders, and neurological problems. If you are living in a house or apartment that was constructed prior to 1978, there is a possibility that there is lead-based paint present. The older the construction, the higher the probability that lead is present.

Know The Health Risks Of Lead Contamination

Speak with a lead inspector today

What Is Lead-Based Paint?

  • Federal standards define lead-based paint as:Any paint or surface coatings that contain lead equal to or in excess of 1.0 milligram per square centimeter or more than 0.5 percent by weight.
  • Some states and localities regulate paint with lower concentrations of lead.
  • It is the primary source of lead-contaminated dust in housing.
Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment
Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment

Why was lead used in paint?

  • Lead was added for color and durability.
  • Lead-based paint was banned in 1978.

How Does Lead Get Into the Environment?

  • Deterioration of lead-based paint
  • Leaded gasoline
  • Businesses that involve lead
  • Lead mines or smelters

How Are People Exposed to Lead?

  • Dust, paint, and/or soil
  • Contaminated food, water, or alcohol
  • Some imported home remedies and cosmetics
  • Pre-1978 homes with deteriorated leaded paint
  • Children are at greatest risk
  • Most exposure is through leaded dust in home
  • Lead dust levels have been directly correlated with children’s BLL
Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment
Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment

How Are People Exposed to Lead in Work Environments?

  • Swallowing lead dust
  • Breathing contaminated air
  • Lead contacting skin
  • Workers can expose their families if they bring lead home on their clothes or skin

What Jobs Involve Lead?

  • Lead smelting or mining
  • Construction/ Remodeling
  • Automobile repair
  • Plumbing
  • Police officers/military
  • Many others

What Hobbies Involve Lead?

  • Car repair
  • Artistic painting
  • Stained glass
  • Pottery glazing
  • Soldering
  • Target shooting
  • Making bullets, slugs or fishing sinkers
Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment

Know The Health Risks Of Lead Contamination

Speak with a lead inspector today

Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment

Lead in Drinking Water

Lead can enter water by leaching from:

  • Lead-containing pipes
  • Brass faucets
  • Solder
  • Boiling does not get rid of lead
  • Running cold water before use may reduce exposure

Lead in Commercial Products

Lead is still used in products such as:

  • Bridge paint
  • Computers
  • Solder
  • Pewter
  • Ceramic glazes
  • Jewelry
  • Automotive batteries
  • Imported or older pre-regulation products
Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment
Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment

Health Risks of Lead

  • Very hazardous to children.
    • Damages the brain and central nervous system; and can cause decreased intelligence, reading and learning difficulties, behavioral problems, and hyperactivity.
    • Damage can be irreversible, affecting children throughout their lives.
  • Hazardous to pregnant women.
    • Damage to the fetus.
  • Also hazardous to workers and other adults.
    • High blood pressure.
    • Loss of sex drive and/or capability.
    • Physical fatigue.
    • Lead exposure causes permanent damage.

Neurological Effects of Lead

  • Neurological effects on children documented at levels below 10 mcg/dL
  • EPA actionable level for a child is 40 mcg/dl
  • Low exposure effects:lowered IQ, attention deficits,and impaired hearing
  • High exposure effects:irritability, convulsions, coma, or death
  • Similar effects in adults at higher exposure levels

Effects of Lead

  • Increases risk of hypertension
Lead-Based Paint Inspections & Risk Assessment

How To Keep The Lead Out

How Widespread is Lead-Based Paint in Housing?

Year House Was Built/Percent of Houses with Lead Based Paint:

  • Before 1940 – 86 percent
  • 1940-1959 – 66 percent
  • 1960-1978 – 25 percent
  • All Pre-1978 Housing – 35 percent

Prohibited Practices

  • Open-flame burning or torching.
  • Heat gun above 1100º F.
  • Power sanding, power grinding, power planing, needle guns, abrasive blasting and sandblasting, without HEPA vacuum attachment.

The Law

EPA/HUD have devised procedures to protect children from lead exposure. This is called the RRP Rule.

The RRP Rule

Addresses activities that disturb lead-based paint in target housing and child-occupied facilities. It requires:

  • Renovators to be certified through training.
  • Firms to be certified.
  • Training providers to be accredited.
  • Lead-safe work practices during renovations.
  • Pre-renovation education in target housing and child-occupied facilities.
  • On or after April 22, 2010, firms working in pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities must be certified and use lead-safe work practices during renovations covered by the Rule.
  • EPA may authorize states, territories and tribes to enforce the Rule.

The RRP Rule: Exclusions

  • Renovation activities where affected components do not contain lead-based paint.
  • Emergency renovations (requires cleanup and cleaning verification).
  • Minor repair and maintenance activities. Note: This exclusion does not apply to window replacement, demolition or activities involving prohibited practices.
  • Renovations performed by homeowners in their own homes.

The RRP Rule: Enforcement

  • CCB/OHA may suspend, revoke, or modify a firm’s certification if the Certified Firm or Certified Renovator is found to be in non-compliance.
  • Those firms found to be non-compliant may be liable for civil penalties of up to $5,000 for each violation.
  • Those firms who knowingly or willfully violate this regulation may be subject to fines of up to an additional $5,000 per violation, or imprisonment, or both.