Asbestos Inspections
active in All of Oregon and Southwest Washington

What is Asbestos?

It is a mineral, mined primarily in Africa, Brazil, China, and Canada, but is not hazardous in it’s natural state. Asbestos becomes hazardous when it is broken up and the fibers and dust become suspended in air in the breathing zone. It can be found in older homes and commercial properties.

DEQ has specific rules regarding the handling, removal and disposal of asbestos-containing materials, commonly referred to as ACM. DEQ regulates ACM abatement to prevent asbestos fiber release and exposure. Asbestos is a danger to public health and a hazardous air pollutant for which there is no known safe level of exposure.

Before any public or private facility is demolished, including residential buildings, all ACM must be properly abated. Abatement includes handling, removing, disposing, repairing, salvaging, enclosing or encapsulating any ACM.

DEQ’s asbestos survey rule requires a thorough inspection by an accredited inspector to determine the presence of ACM in or on a structure prior to any demolition activities. A copy of the asbestos survey is required to be onsite during all demolition activities and DEQ can request a copy of the asbestos survey.

As AHERA-certified Asbestos Inspectors, we can identify Asbestos Containing Material in your home or business.

Hazardous Determination

  • Asbestos is only hazardous when it is in a friable (breaks easily) state
  • Removal, cutting and other abrasive work can release the asbestos fibers
  • The best course of action is to maintain in place, isolate, encapsulate
  • Removal is only allowed by trained professionals

Health Hazard

  • Asbestosis
  • Lung cancer
  • Mesotheiloma
  • Colon Cancer
  • Asbestos and smoking cause a Synergistic effect… 1 + 1= 10

How is Asbestos used?

  • Fire proofing – Can be woven into cloth
  • Acid resistant
  • High tensile strength
  • Excellent insulator

History of Asbestos use

  • 1890-1970 -25 million tons used
  • 1930-1941 widest use, especially in shipbuilding
  • 1941-1974 use decreased
  • 1976 all new vessels and constructions asbestos free

Three Common Types of Asbestos

  • Chrysotile (white asbestos) Most common used 95% found in buildings in US.
  • Amosite(brown asbestos) Second most likely to be found in buildings.
  • Crocidolite(blue asbestos) Used in high temperature insulation and decorative applications

Common Applications

  • pipe lagging
  • insulation
  • gaskets material
  • welder’s curtains
  • sheathing
  • floor tiles
  • ceiling tiles
  • cement
  • brake pads
  • clutch plates
  • spackling/joint compounds
  • shingles
  • cigarette filters